
A quiz on Respiration for KS4. Includes aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
What O is the gas needed for respiration?. What C is the gas produced by respiration?. What W is one of the products of respiration?. What G is used during respiration?. What E is produced by the cells during respiration?. What A means "withour air"?. What A means "with air"?. What G has the chemical formula C6H12O6?. What A is the type of respiration that produces the most energy?. What A is the least efficient way to produce energy?. What C is where respiration occurs?. What B carries oxygen and glucose to the cells?. What C has the chemical formula CO2?. What O has the chemical formula O2?. What O causes us to continue breathing heavily after exercising?. What L is a waste product of anaerobic respiration?. What L causes cramp in the muscles?. What A is the type of respiration used when sprinting?. What A is the type of respiration used when running a marathon?. What C is the food group that glucose is obtained from?.
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