Nazi Youth Policy

Based on youth groups and educational changes in Nazi Germany. This quiz could be used at Key Stage 4 or 5.
What H is a Nazi organisation for young people?. What C is the only group allowed to have their own youth groups?. What P was spread by Nazi Youth groups?. What A is the reason for fitness activities in the HJ?. What N is the organisation all teachers had to join?. What T were rewritten by the Nazis?. What B is the subject where pupils were taught Nazi racial theories?. What A were schools that taught 12-18 year olds with leadership potential?. What J did teachers encourage other pupils to bully?. What C were young girls supposed to learn how to look after?. What E were a group of young people opposed to the Nazis?. What H happened to the leaders of the Cologne Edelweiss Pirates?. What S was a youth group who were apolitical?. What M is the book all German children had to read extracts from?. What P is the subject that had increased lessons on the school timetable during the Nazi Regime?. What U is educational establishment where many lecturers were dismissed in 1933?. What S was the Hitler Youth leader?. What C did many HJ members attend?. What S were falling in education due to the Nazis changes?. What L was a youth group for girls?.
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