passé composé

Passé Composé Choose the correct past participle.
What P is the past participle of perdre?. What R is the past participle of rater?. What P is the past participle of prendre?. What E is the past participle of avoir?. What F is the past participle of faire?. What E is the past participle of entendre?. What R is the past participle of rencontrer?. What T is the past participle of trouver?. What R is the past participle of regarder?. What R is the past participle of recevoir?. What V is the past participle of voir?. What É is ithe past participle of être?. What B is the past participle of boire?. What L is the past participle of lire?. What D is the past participle of déchirer?. What O is the past participle of oublier?. What T is the past participle of tomber?. What F is the past participle of finir?. What C is the past participle of choisir?. What R is the past participle of rendre?.
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