Nazi Domestic Policy

Nazi Domestic policies 1933-39.
What K was the night of terror against the Jews in 1938?. What N was when Hitler eliminated his opposition in 1934?. What R led the SA?. What C was a Protestant Church who opposed Hitler?. What G was in charge of propaganda?. What were the three Ks women had to follow?. What A was the Nazis' most famous death camp?. What G were the Nazis secret police?. What B a subject that was studied at school to teach children about Hitler's racial theories?. What HY was an organisation for young people?. What E was a law which allowed Hitler to make any laws he liked for 4 years?. What N was a law that took away Jews' citizenship?. What R did public works and paid the workers pocket money only?. What R the Nazis biggest form of propaganda?. What T were workers organisations that were banned?. What F is the title Hitler took when Hindenburg died?. What V was the car workers saved up for but never received?. What M was the award given to the women who had the most children?. What N was a pastor who spoke against Hitler and was sent to Dachau?. What N the Church invented by the Nazis?.
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