7F Simple chemical reactions

A mix of questions to cover the core areas in 7F simple chemical reactions.
Which gas causes a lit split to burn with a pop?. Which gas relights a glowing splint?. What gas causes limewater to go cloudy?. What kind of splint is needed to test for hydrogen?. What gas is produced when a carbonate reacts with acid?. What gas is produced when a metal reacts with an acid?. What type of solid is produced when a metal reacts with acid?. Is rain slightly acidic or alkaline?. Which two substances are found in all fuels?. What is produced if magnesium reacts with oxygen?. What is the chemical name for rust?. What is produced when sodium react with oxygen?. What H is needed for a fire, other than fuel & oxygen?. Which poisonous gas is produced when there is insufficient oxygen to burn a fuel?. What kind of change occurs when melting an ice cube?. What B are produced when one of the products are a gas?. What CC is one sign of a chemical reaction?. What Z is is a fairly reactive metal?. What G is a very unreactive metal?. What salt is produced when magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid?.
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