
Simple quiz made for KS 3 Special Needs pupils working in teams.
What C is the hollow at the top of a volcano?. What L is hot liguid that shoots out of a volcano?. What E is the name given to a volcano when it starts?. What D is the name for a volcano when it is not active?. What A is grey or black power that shoots out of a volcano?. What V B are the small lumps of hot rock that shoot out of a volcano?. What V is central pipe in a volcano?. What P are the large pieces that make up the earths crust?. What C makes up the centre of the earth?. What E is a volcano that will never erupt again?. What A is used to describe a volcano that will erupt again and again?. What P is very light rock made up of lava that has cooled?. What T is a large tidal wave caused by movement in the earth's crust?. What V is a scientist who studies volcanoes?. What C is the outer layer of the earth?. What G is a natural hot spring which shoots hot water into the air?. What M is the thick middle layer of the earth?. What G is shot out of a volcano often giving it a bad smell?. What M is the hot liguid rock melted by the hot temperatures?. What R of F is the name given to circle of volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean?.
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