The discovery of the causes of diseases

A basic set of questions about the discoveries of Pasteur and Koch including the names and theories behind their ideas.
What G is the name of Pasteurs first discovery?. What M is the name given to small organisms that cause decay?. What S is the name given to the original theory to explain decay?. What P is the name given to the process of heating products to kill bacteria?. What R is the first name of German scientist Koch?. What L is surname of the clockmaker responsible for some of the earlier microscopes?. What A is the disease that Koch used to test his method of discovering bacterium?. What S is method used by Koch to see some types of bacteria?. What C is the disease cured by Pasteur's first vaccine?. What J is the name of the creator of the first vaccine?. What M is the name given to the poisonous fumes that were initially believed to cause disease?. What R is the name of Pasteur's fouth vaccine?. What B is the name of the man who removed anti-toxins from animals to cure diphtheria?. What E is the name of the man who first produced chemical cures for diseases?. What F is the nationality of Pasteur?. What C is the type of disease used by Jenner to vaccinate against smallpox?. What S is the name of Pasteur's profession?. What D is the name of Koch's profession?. What P is the name given to the health of a group of people?. What B is the place where Pasteur first discovered micro-organisms and their effects?.
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