Homonyms, homographs and homophones

This quiz uses homonyms, homographs and homophones to aid in spellings and common misconceptions.
What C is not the edge of the pavement and means stop?. What A gives agreement but not for a climb?. What D is a breeze possibly under a door but not in rough form?. What L is not a metal but was in front? . What M is a rendezvous, possibly for hunters?. What P is neither rich nor free flowing but skin deep?. What W is not correct to put down on paper?. What R is not precipitation but the life of a ruler?. What S is not a female pig nor stitching but casting seed?. What S can be shut tight and a performing sea mammal?. What S is a migratory bird or to take down food?. What S is looked for but not a type?. What T might win you the ball or give you fishing gear?. What T is about them and not a place?. What T goes with Alice and the looking glass but is not hurled?. What V is futile but not an artery or blade?. What W is put on or eroded?. What F can you barely see but is not a bluff?. What C goes with obstacle but is not a kind of fish? . What B is to carry but not without clothes?.
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