Yr 11 Foundation GCSE revision

All things circular!
What R is half the diameter?. What D is double the length of the radius. What P is 3.14 approximately. What C is pi x diameter?. What A is pi x radius squared?. What T is a line that touches the circumference of a circle?. What A is part of the circumference of a circle?. What C is a line that splits a circle into two segments?. What C is the name for a circular prism?. What T is pi to the nearest whole number?. What S is the part of a circle between two radii?. What E is six plus two?. What units of measurement are used to measure the area of a circle?. What P means the outside of a shape?. What F do you use to calculate area and circumference?. What S is the type of calculator you need when using pi?. How many semi-circles make up one circle? . What L is the film with the song 'Circle of Life?'. Fill in the gap - Diameter = circumference _________ by pi . What T is ten pi?.
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