Power Supply Quiz

Power supply quiz for Comptia A+ students
What S is a sudden spike in the supply that lasts seconds. What B is undervoltage that lasts seconds. What U is a device that is constantly providing battery power to the computer . What J defines how much energy the surge protector can absorb without failure. What C is the rate of flow of electrons. What M is a device used to measure voltage and current. What D does the power supply convert AC into. What M is a power connector for PATA drives. What G is the black wire on the molex connector . What O provides 3.3V. What I is common power equation - P=. What S enables software to electronically control the on/off switching of power. What H is the US equivalent of the live wire in the UK. What V is another name for a Multimeter. What U is a device that protects your PC during a power cut. What B is one of the latest form factors. What M is a power connector used by floppy drives. What S is a type of power connector that is L-shaped. What A refers to the efficiency of the power supply. What C is the type of fire extinguisher used on an electrical fire.
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