Natural Disasters

A list of natural disasters that occur around the world.
What F is too much water over a large area?. What L is produced by a volcano when it erupts?. What D is not enough water over a large area?. What A is something that could happen at a ski resort?. What E causes the earth to shake and roads to crack?. What H is violent winds and storms that are usually given a name?. What T is a strange sounding wave that killed a lot of people in Asia?. What T causes a cow and truck to spin in a movie of the same name?. What S occurs when there is heavy rain, a strong wind and often thunder and lightening?. What B is a heavy snowstorm with strong winds?. What F is caused by a mixture of extremely hot weather and a lot of dry trees?. What A is a very small planet that can sometimes fall to Earth?. What F means that people do not have enough food due to a bad crop?. What M occurs during heavy rain and involves unstable soil slipping down a hill?. What V is caused by hot gases, lava and ash/. What W is a man-made disaster that involves fighting between two or more groups of people?. What T is violent winds and storms?. What H is a period of extremely hot weather over a long time?. What L is a large amount of loose earth and rocks falling down a mountain side?. What P is a large number of something that invade somewhere and are a pest?.
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