World War One

Quiz based on WWI.
What country aided the allies in 1918?. What Z was used by the Germans for observation purposes?. What U did the German Navy use during the war?. What V did Britain achieve on winning the war?. What W gave soldiers trench foot when standing in it for long periods?. What T were first used in WWI?. What P was the name of a deadly gas?. What R ate dead bodies during the war?. What C was a greeensih/yellow harmful gas?. What S did soliders find it difficult to cope with?. Whta A was a country allied with Germany?. What B stopped essential food supplies getting to Germany?. What C is also known as a Spartacist?. What D is a system where the government of a country is elected by the people?. What F was the German word meaning leader?. What I were soldiers when they were taken to POW camps?. What J was a class of people that Hitler discriminated against?. What K was a German Naval base where a mutiny took place?. What N was the name of a political group of which Hitler became the leader?. What O was an order during WWI?.
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