Figurative Language

Figurative language - Key Terms and definitions.
What R is 'What would you do in the situation?'. What S is the tree is like a skeleton?. What S is Finger-lickin' good?. What M is your hair is freshly-cut hay?. What P is the last cake looked at me longingly?. What H is this is the greatest pizza ever?. What A is a word that describes a noun?. What A is a word that describes a verb?. What D V is an interesting action?. What R is 'Give in or just give up'?. What O is ffooomph?. What A is dumb dogs do?. What S is secret Santa?. What A is electric eel?. What I is a vivid description of a scene?. What I is when the opposite of what you expect happens?. What S is a comparison that uses "like" or "as"?. What M is a comparison that says one thing "is" something else?. What A is the repetition of a consonant sound?. What A is the repetition of a vowel sound?.
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