J'ai soif!

Drinks vocabulary in French for y 7
What C is coke in French?. What J is orange juice in French?. What L is lemonade in French?. What V is glass of water in French?. What D is mint flavour lemonade in French?. What C is hot chocolate in French?. What C is coffee in French?. What M is milk shake in French?. What T is tea with milk in French?. What Q is 'what would you like?' in French?. What S is please in French?. What M is thank you in French?. What V is here you are in French?. What J is I would like in French?. What U is one in French?. What D is two in French?. What T is three in French?. What Q is four in French?. What C is five in French?. What S is six in French?.
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