International Relations, 1919-1941

A recap of the issues facing the world between the two world wars.
What V was the agreement that determined the fate of Germany?. What T divided Hungary into new successor states?. What R were demanded by Britain and France from Germany?. What D was a major objective of the League of Nations?. What C was a significant failure for the league in the 1920s?. What W was established in Article 231 and was loathed in Germany?. What L was the most powerful part of the new League of Nations?. What K was a largely symbolic attempt to outlaw all forms of warfare?. What Y was an attempt to reschedule Germany's reparations in 1929?. What R was partly resolved by implementation of the Dawes Plan?. What N were a great success of the League's that helped refugees?. What A was a dispute between Finland and Sweden resolved by the League?. What M is often seen as the first step to World War Two?. What I were Britain and France willing to appease to gain its support against Germany?. What S allied with Germany out of fear and necessity?. What H caused uproar when it attempted to partition Abyssinia?. What E was Japan's major motivation to expand aggressively in East Asia?. What T was reduced by 10% as a consequence of the Paris Peace Conferences?. What O are historians who argue that the treaties of 1919 were too harsh and led to war?. What U's absence fundamentally weakened the league?.
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