Physics of Communication - Unit 17

Edexcel GCSE Physics P7 / Module 17 - Communications. Key vocabulary for lessons 1-3.
What R is the part of a device that first receives the signal?. What D is the part of a device that turns a raw signal into useful information?. What E is the part of a device that turns information into a signal that can be transmitted?. What M is a device that superimposes a signal onto a carrier wave?. What T is the part of a system that sends out the information?. What T is a device that transforms a signal into different forms of energy?. What A is a device that adds energy to a signal and increases its ampitude?. What F is a type of cable used to transmit information in the form of light pulses?. What D is a type of signal that can be a series of ON / OFF pulses?. What A is a type of signal where the shape of the wave represents the signal?. What P is a short burst of light or electricity used to represent a 'one' in a digital signal?. What C is a way of storing music in a digital form?. What I describes why light does not escape from an optical fibre?. What L is a transducer that converts a signal from electrical energy to sound energy?. What M is a transducer that converts a signal from sound energy to electrical energy?. What D is used instead of a laser to produce light pulses for use in optical fibres?. What T can be used to store information (usually sound) magnetically?. What P is is used to convert light pulses back into an electrical signal in digital system?. What B is the bodies decoder, used to interpret sound signals?. What E is the transducer used by your body to recieve light signals?.
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