Key Stage 4- All Things Planty

It's about plants.
What W is needed for photosynthesis?. What C is needed for photosynthesis?. What G is produced by photosynthesis?. What O is produced by photosynthesis?. Where does the energy for photosynthesis come from?. What P is this quiz about?. What F do humans use plants for?. What R absorbs water?. What P measures transpiration?. What A is a plant hormone?. What R is a use of auxin?. What R is a poison made from plants?. What X draws water up from the roots?. What P transports products of photosynthesis around the plant?. What L strengthens the xylem?. What P converts light energy to chemical energy?. What F is the scientific name for all plants?. What S is used to cut wood?. What S is plant found in the sea. What C is the part of the plant cell where photosynthesis happens?.
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