
Year 7 Shapes and angles quiz. Suitable as a starter activity.
What S has 4 sides that are all are the same size and are parallel?. What T has three sides?. What H is a 6 sided shape?. What C is a 6 sided 3D shape?. What O is a 8 sided shape?. What C is 2 sided 3D shape?. What A is measured in degrees?. What S is 1 sided 3D shape?. What C has only 1 side?. What R has 4 sides and inner angles add to 360 degrees?. What P has 5 sides?. What P is the general name for all 2D shapes?. What Q is a name for all 4 sided shapes?. What H is the name of the shape that has 7 sides?. What N is a 9 sided shape?. What D is a 10 sided shape?. What S is the name of an angle which has the value of 180 degrees?. What A is the type of an angle which is an angle between 0 degrees and 90 degrees. What R is the type of the angle which has a value of 90 degrees?. What O is the type of the angle which has a value between 90 degrees and 180 degrees?.
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