
Easy Key stage three 3 musical instruments quiz
What V is the highest member of the orchestral strings?. What F is a woodwind instrument usually made out of metal?. What B is associated with Scottish music?. What S is the melody instrument in Indian raga?. What G has 6 strings and often plays chords?. What H is a forerunner of the piano?. What L is the principal violinist in an orchestra?. What C is a low sounding stringed instrument?. What T is a high brass instrument often used in jazz?. What T is another name for the kettledrum?. What P is a way of playing stringed instruments without using the bow?. What T has a slide?. What H is found behind the violins?. What P plays low notes on an organ?. What D is an African drum?. What P is a set of tubesof different sizes tied together?. What B is an 'electric' instrument used to play the low notes in rock bands?. What P is a keyboard instrument whose names means 'soft' in Italian?. What S is a woodwind instrument that is used in jazz and pop?. What O is a keyboard instrument usually found in churches?.
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