P2 Living For The Future

Module P2 the new OCR Gateway syllabus.
What A is the type of radiation used in a smoke detector?. What W is a renewable energy resource?. What T is what turns the generator in a power station?. What P is a disadvantage of some energy resources?. What P is calculate by multiplying current and voltage?. What P is how far radiation can travel through materials?. What M surrounds the Earth and very big?. What M is an object that orbits the Earth?. What S is the name of the star in out solar system?. What A is a giant lump of rock in space?. What M is the type of spacecraft that needs to carry oxygen and food?. What H is one of the types of energy given out by a star?. What C orbits the Sun and is made out of dust and ice?. What E is a type of orbit that a comet follows?. What B is a dead star that nothing can escape from?. What B is how a lot of scientists believe the universe started?. What J is the biggest planet in the solar system?. What P is something you could wear to protect yourself from radiation?. What M is something that can be sterilized using gamma radiation?. What C is something that can be damaged by radiation?.
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