Heart and Blood Vessels

Excellent quiz for testing all abilities on the heart, circulation and blood vessels at KS4
What C is the smallest type of blood vessels?. What M is the heart made of?. What V is a chamber of the heart?. What L collects blood from the lung?. What R collects blood from the body?. What C supplies the heart with blood?. What A are a type of blood vessel carrying oxygenated blood? . What V stops the back-flow of blood? . What V is the type of blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood? . What P is the only vein to carry oxygenated blood?. What L is narrow in the capillaries? . What E is is found in the walls of arteries?. What G passes out of the blood into the cells?. What A carries oxygenated blood out of the heart to the body?. What V carries deoxygenated blood back to the heart?. What D describes the type of circulation in humans?. What S is the type of muscle found in the walls of the arteries?. What O is a type of blood which carries oxygen?. What D is a type of blood which carries little oxygen?. What O describes the thickness of the capillaries?.
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