
basic poetry / grammar
What A is when a series of words that begin with the same letter or sound?. What S is when one thing is compared to another, using the words as or like?. What M is when one thing is compared to another, without using the words as or like?. What R is when words sound the same?. What O is when a word sounds like the noise or action it describes (e.g. buzz, crash)?. What S is the posh word for a verse?. What N is the person in a story or poem who tells the story?. What R is the pace and flow of the poem, often connected with music?. What I is descriptive language, aiming to create images or pictures in the mind of the reader?. What C is two successive lines of poetry (two lines together)?. What P is the person who has written the poem?. What V is a word which describes an action?. What A is a word which describes a verb?. What A is a word which describes a noun?. What P is normal writing in sentences and paragraphs (not stanzas like poetry)?. What T describes the way the poet speaks?. What R does a poem not necessarily have to do?. What B is poetry definitely not!?. What N is a word which describes a person, place or thing?. What C is a word that connects words or phrases?.
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