En la farmacia

Spanisg vocabulary for pains and remedies.
What U is for "plasters"?. What J is for "syrup"?. What P is for "packet of"?. What B is for "bottle of"?. What T is for "tube of"?. What C is for "box of"?. What A is for "aspirins"?. What C is for "antiseptic cream"?. What P is for "ointment"?. What P is for "pills against cough"?. What M is for "it hurts"?. What C is for "head"?. What B is for "arm"?. What P is for "legs"?. What G is for "throat"?. What P is for "feet"?. What M is for "what is wrong"?. What D is for "I have a pain "?. What T is for "I have"?. What M is for "chemist"?.
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