Instruments of the Orchestra

Quiz focusing on instruments of the orchestra, suitable for yr 7 pupils.
What P is the name given to the smallest woodwind instrument?. What C has a spike sticking out from it to rest it on the floor?. What B is played using a double reed?. What C is a more mellow-sounding member of the oboe family?. What C was invented around 1750 and was said to be Mozart's favourite instrument?. What F is used to portray the wolf in Peter and the Wolf?. What L is the name given to the chief violin player in the orchestra?. What T is the only brass instrument not to use valves?. What T is the more formal name for "Kettle Drums"?. What M is used by wind players to blow through their instruments?. What B is used to play "arco" on a stringed instrument?. What T is the lowest sounding brass instrument?. What V is the string instrument whose lowest note is a C?. What S is a percussion instrument that has metallic springs on its underside?. What X translates from Greek to literally mean "wooden sound"?. What G translates from German to literally mean "Bell Voice"?. What H has 47 strings and 7 pedals?. What R is found in the mouthpiece of an oboe?. What P is a member of the percussion group but also has strings?. What D is the lowest pitched stringed instrument?.
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