Level E Angles and Lines

5-14 Level E Angles
Which O is a type of angle is bigger than 90 but smaller than 180 degrees?. What P is the name for two straight lines that meet at right angles? . What N is when parallel lines meet?. What T is a two-dimensional shape whose angles add up to 180 degrees?. What R are the angles 217o, 356o, 181o all examples of?. What P do we use to measure angles? . How many letters do we use to name an angle?. Another name for 360 degrees?. When two straight lines cross they are said to I......?. At the intersection of straight lines, opposite angles are......?. What S is the name for pairs of angles that add up to 180 degrees?. What I is a triangle which has two equal angles?. What C are equal angles made with parallel lines and a line passing through?. What fraction of a full turn is 45 degrees?. What is the size of each angle in an equilateral triangle?. What is the reflex angle between 12 and 9 on a clock?. How many right angles are there in a full turn?. What S is the name of a triangle with no equal sides or angles?. Which S is angle of 180 degrees?. What Q is the name of a shape whose internal angles add up to 360 degrees?.
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