P3 Forces for Transport

Physics module P3 vocabulary for OCR Gateway syllabus
What S is distance travelled in a certain time?. What G is the part of a distance-time graph which calculates speed?. What A is how quickly the speed (velocity) is changing?. What A is found on a speed-time graph and is the distance travelled in any time interval? . What T is the force due to an engine or rocket which speeds something up?. What D is the force which slows something down?. What T is the force in a rope or cable?. What F is the force which slows things down?. What T is the velocity reached when forces are balanced on a sky diver?. What R is the unbalanced force on an object which causes acceleration?. What W is done when energy is transferred? . What P is the energy due to height?. What K is the energy due to movement?. What W is caused by the pull of gravity?. What P is the rate of doing work?. What J is the unit of energy?. All vehicles need a F to make them move?. What S are features that save lives? . What B is the distance a car travels during deceleration whilst its brakes are being applied?. This T is a distance affected by your speed, your physical well being and the visibility..
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