Day and night quiz

Questions about day and night. Suitable for use with QCA unit 7L.
What D is the time when we have light?. What N is the opposite if day?. What S is the source of all our energy?. What E is the planet we live on?. What T is the measurement of days, hours, minutes and seconds?. What M is usually 28 days long?. What Y is the length of time it takes the earth to travel round the sun?. What S are the name for the 4 sections of the year?. What P is the placement of something?. What L is a type of energy provided by the sun?. What M is the earths natural satelite?. What S is the number of times the earth will spin in a week?. What H describes the amount of the earth which is always lit by the sun?. What S is the time of day the sun is most easterly?. What N is is the name of the half of the earth nearest the north pole?. What N is the time of day when the sun is at its highest point?. What E is the imaginary line which cuts the earth in half?. What A is the imaginary line between the north and south pole?. What O is the circle which the earth travels around the sun?. What L is a word which relates to the moon?.
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