Causes of the French Revolution

A quiz based around the long, medium and short term causes of the French Revolution.
What H failed in 1787 and 1788?. What P went up in the 18th century in France?. What AR was the name given to the old way of doing things in France?. What EG is the name given to the meeting of the three estates?. What L is the name of the French king in 1789?. What N was made up of 400,000 people?. What C was made up of 100,000 people?. What S was the last year the three estates met?. What W did the peasants have to use that belonged to their Lord?. What T did the nobility rarely have to pay?. What A helped France to defeat Britain?. What B is the name of the prison in France that was stormed?. What B means to have no money?. What A is the type of power the King had?. What P went up faster than wages?. What B was France at war with between 1756 and 1763?. What P is the capital of France?. What C is the religion of France?. What S was the year the revolution broke out?. What I were there lots of during the Age of Enlightenment?.
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