Air Quality

Air quality recap lessons 1 to 7. Suitable for use with 21st Century Science unit C1.
What E is a substance made up of just one type of atom?. What C is a substance made up of more than one type of atom chemically combined?. What P are added to the atmosphere due to human activity?. What C is the amount of pollutant in a certain volume of air?. What O is a result that is very different from the others?. What M is the simplest hydrocarbon?. What H is a chemical made up of just carbon and hydrogen atoms?. What H is the chemical name for water?. What C is a fossil fuel?. What C is a compound formed when coal burns in a limited supply of oxygen?. What O is needed with a source of heat and fuel for a fire or combustion reaction?. What C is when chemicals react rapidly with oxygen to release energy and possibly light?. What R are the chemicals before the arrow in a chemical equation?. What P are the chemicals after the arrow in a chemical reaction?. What C is needed for plants to photosynthesise?. What R is the release of energy using oxygen and glucose?. What S is produced when we burn coal and may cause acid rain?. What N is 78% of the earths atmosphere?. What P are tiny bits of solid suspended in air?. What P are what make a chemical different from other chemicals?.
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