How science works key words

key words and definitions
What F is when only the independent variable affects your results, all other variables are the same?. What C tells us the name of the variable, eg iron, copper, magnesium?. What C is when one change in a variable has caused a change in another variable?. What C considers the results and states how these match the hypothesis?. What C is a variable that can be any numerical value, eg your weight?. What D is the variable you are measuring?. What I is the variable you are changing?. What D are the measurements of your variable?. What D is a variable which can only be a whole number?. What E is what you need to prove or disprove a hypothesis. Could be an observation or a measurement?. What H is a 'great idea', usually leading to a prediction and investigation?. What L is the type of graph used when both variables are continuous?. What L is used to show the relationship between the variables on a graph, ignoring any anomolies?. What M is the average you get when you add up all the measurements and divide by the number you had?. What O is a personal judgement, either formed from scientific evidence or unscientific ideas?. What P is where your repeated results are very close to each other?. What P is a hypothesis that can be used to design an investigation?. What R is the maximum and minimum values?. What R is the trustworthiness of the data collected?. What S is the smallest change an instrument can measure?.
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