
Year 3 Roman History revision
What S are the people who made decisions in Rome?. What R is the man who founded Rome?. What C is the famous ruler of the Romans, who was killed by his friends?. What H is the name of the wall between England and Scotland?. What C was a soldier who was in charge of 100 soldiers?. What V is the name of a large Roman house?. What M is the name for Roman decorative tiles?. What F is a Roman marketplace?. What B is a Roman town hall?. What A is where Gladiators fought?. What G is a man who fought for entertainment?. What B is a Roman leisure centre?. What W is the material Romans wrote on?. What S is a Roman pen?. What M is the Roman God of war?. What N is the Roman god of the sea?. What B is the Celtic woman who battled with the Romans?. What L is the language that the Romans spoke?. What C were pulled by horses?. What A were big arches that carried water to Roman cities?.
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