Introduction to STRESS

Covers the first work on stress, both physiological and psychological
What A is a stage in the General Adaptation Syndrome?. What S is the person who first used the word "stress" in relation to behaviour?. What J is the person who developed the "John Henry" scale for measuring coping style?. What L is one of the psychologists associated with the Transactional Model of Stress?. What F is one of the psychologists associated with the Transactional Model of Stress?. What F is one of the psychologists who labelled "Type A" behaviour?. What H is the label given by Kobasa to the personalities of those who don't get ill under stress?. What C is something that you want more of to be healthy (e.g. old people in a Residential Home)?. What P is the appraisal of the environment described in the Transactional Model of Stress?. What S is the appraisal of your coping ability described in the Transactional Model of Stress?. What O is a characteristic that helps keep people alive after a heart attack?. What L is one of the psychologists who studied elderly people given more personal responsibility?. What R is one of the psychologists who studied elderly people given more personal responsibility?. What E is a stage in the General Adaptation Syndrome?. What S is the division of the ANS that gets us ready for action?. What P is the division of the ANS that deals with body-maintenance functions?. What S is the psychologist who coined the term "Learned Helplessness"?. What R were the subjects in a stress experiment comparing males & females by Wood and Shors?. What C is the main stress hormone that damages the body when it circulates for long periods?. What S were the subjects of a stress study by Tennes and Kreye?.
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