
Easy quiz to test KS4 knowledge of cell parts and specialised cells.
What R is the part of a cell where proteins are produced?. What M is the part of a cell where respiration occurs?. What V is the cell part where cell sap is stored?. What C is where chemical reactions occur?. What C is where photosynthesis happens?. What C controls what goes into and out of a cell?. What C helps to give plant cells structure?. What N contains genetic information and controls what the cell does?. What P is produced by ribosomes?. What R occurs in mitochondria?. What R is a cell that transports oxygen around the body and has no nucleus?. What N is a specialised cell that carries electrical impulses?. What X is a cell that transports water through plants?. What P occurs in a chloroplast?. What M is required to see cells?. What M tells you how much bigger something looks than it actually is?. What T is a group of the same cells working together?. What B is a single celled organism?. What B is another name for cell division?. What S is a specialised cell that carries only half the genetic information?.
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