Islamic Civilisations

Islamic Civilisations
What S is the name given to Muslims in the Crusades?. What F is the name given to Christians in the Crusades?. What H is name where the Crusades were fought?. What J is city which the Crusades were fought over?. What Q is name of the Muslim holy book?. What M is the name of the Muslim holy book. What M is the name of the holy place where Muhammad visited?. What B is name of the new city the Muslims built?. What M is name of the Muslim prophet?. What T is name of the payment rich Muslims avoided paying by keeping their house simple?. What F is the object rich people had in their homes?. What I is the thing that kept people cool on hot days?. What C is the name of the animal Muslims used in the desert?. What H is the word which describes the conditions in Arabia?. What R is the name of the English king during the Crusade?. What C is the word which means Holy War?. What I is the religion of the Muslims?. What H is the name of a favourite Muslim meal?. What C is the name of the place where people stopped with their camels? . What H is the name of the building Muslims built in which to treat and care for the sick?.
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