Space Exploration

General quiz for use after a project on Space Flight and Exploration. Some history as well as facts about the planets.
What M is the planet in the solar system most likely to support life?. What W is an important resource that must be recycled in space?. What T is the current estimate of how long a mission to mars would take?. What W is likely to cause weakened bones and muscles on long space flights?. What I was launched into space in November 2000 and has been inhabited ever since?. What S was the first man-made object to orbit the Earth in October 1957?. What R was the Nationality of the first man in space?. What does the A in NASA stand for?. What N was the first man to leave a footprint on the Moon?. What A is the name of the spacecraft that took the first men to the moon?. What G is often referred to as "the father of modern astronomy"?. What T is 'Hubble' a powerful example of?. What is the space shuttle that was destroyed in an explosion in 1986?. What O is vital for life and must be recycled on space flights?. What V orbits the closest to the Earth but is unlikely to support life because it is too hot?. What Y was the first man to orbit the Earth?. What R supply the force needed to lift things into space?. What H is the most common fuel used in space rockets?. What S is likely to supply the daily energy needs on a trip to Mars?. What A are small lumps of rock and ice in space that could endanger a space mission?.
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