French Revolution 1789-1799.

A brief and simple overview of the French Revolution. Covers the period from 1789 until 1799.
What B is the name of the prison in Paris?. What G is the name of the preferred execution method in the French Revolution?. What R is the name of one of the leaders of the Revolution?. What A is the name given to the upper classes?. What L is the name of the French king executed in 1793?. What M is the name of Louis XVI's Queen?. What E is the name of the system of government in France before the Revolution?. What A is the word used to describe a king who has total power? An ______ monarch.. What J is the month in which Louis was executed?. What E is the name of the the King's priest?. What T is the name given to the period in which there were lots of executions?. What N is the name of the leader of France who took power in 1799?. What C is the place where Napoleon was born?. What P is the name of the capital city of France?. What J is the month in which the French Revolution broke out?. What P is the class of people in the third estate?. What A is the name of the country from which France took the ideas of Revolution?. What B is the name of the exam French children still sit today?. What S is the month in which a series of massacres happened?. What A is the name of the country who the French fought during the Revolution?.
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