Monsters of Music

This quiz is about musical instruments.
What D is an instrument you beat?. What X is an instrument that sounds like it should begin with Z?. What G is electic or acoustic?. What P is an instrument but also a music word for quietly. What T is an instrument with a slide?. What F is an instrument you blow across?. What V is an instrument you play with a bow?. What T is a brass instrument often used in jazz?. What V is like a big violin?. What T is an Indian drum?. What R is often the first instrument children play?. What H is played by sucking and blowing on the mouthpiece?. What B is like a circular guitar?. What A is played by squeezing two halves of it to make a sound?. What H is supposed to be played by angels?. What B is a traditional Scottish instrument. What T is a big brass instrument with a deep sound?. What Z is a stringed instrument played on the lap?. What C is sometimes called a squeeze-box?. What O is sometimes electronic and sometimes air-powered?.
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