The psychology of gender

A plenary activity for use at the end of the 'explaining gender' (AQA B).
What C is the research method frequently used to investigate gender. What E is the female version of the Oedipus complex?. What G is our concept of whether we are male or female?. What G is a term used to emphasise the male and female psychological characteristics?. What S is one theory of gender development?. What B is one theory of gender development?. What C is one theory of gender development?. What P is one theory of gender development?. What K is a major figure in cognitive theory of gender development?. What T is the syndrome related to the XO chromosome pattern in girls?. What K is the syndrome related to the XXY chromosome pattern in boys?. What G is the genetic make-up of individuals?. What P is the observable characteristics of an individual?. What R is a central concept in Social Learning Theory?. What M (in observational learning) might be copied?. What O (according to Freud) explains how boys identify with their fathers?. What I is the copying of another person's behaviour?. What N is the side of the debate that supports biological explanations for gender differences?. What N is the side of the debate that supports sociological explanations for gender differences?. What I is where children look up to their role models?.
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