The Hydrosphere

The Hydrosphere - water cycle and tides.
What W is the compound in the hydrosphere?. What V is the gas version of water?. What O contain the majority of Earth's water?. What G is the water found underground?. What P is used to describe rock that allows water through it?. What R describes surface water that never seeps into the ground?. What T is the process by which plants lose water?. What E is the process by which liquid water becomes vapour?. What P describes the form that water returns to the Earth?. What C form when water vapour condenses on particles in the air?. What C is the process whereby water vapour cools and becomes liquid?. What S is the energy source that drives the water cycle?. What R is the process during which living things produce water vapour?. What G is a long term store of water?. What T are the regular rises and falls of the sea?. What N is the result of the moon and sun acting against each other?. What S is the result of the moon and sun acting together?. What T is roughly the number of hours between high tides?. What D is a long period without precipitation?. What M causes the tides?.
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