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This is a French quiz that tests students' ability to shop in France at the appropriate small stores.
Where can I buy a roast beef in France?. Where can I find an apple pie in France?. Where do they sell all kind of cheeses in France?. Where do I go to buy kosher meats in France?. Where can I buy a chicken to cook in France? . Where will I go to buy my baguettes in France?. Where do they sell oil and vinegar in France?. Where can I buy anything I want in France? . Where do they have eggs and milk in France?. Where will I find some nice big shrimp in France?. Where can I buy apples and oranges in France?. Where do they sell croissants in France? . Where can I buy some salami in France?. Where do I go to buy mineral water in my neighborhood in France? . What does everything smell a little fishy in France? . Where can I find the freshest vegetables in France?. Where can I go to buy a birthday cake in France? . Where do they have sirloin steaks in France? . Where will I find shampoo and shaving cream in France?. Where can I buy my condiments in France?.
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