Living Things in their Environment - KS4

Revision quiz for living organisms and their environment - ecosystems and energy.
What P is the numbers of one species of animal or plant living in a particular area?. What P is the process by which one animal catches another?. What P is a green plant that photosynthesises to make it's own food?. What E is a system which supports life made up of biotic and abiotic components?. What E is the surroundings and conditions that affect growth and behaviour of organisms?. What D is a group of bacteria which convert nitrates in the soil into nitrogen gas?. What D are organisms that get energy and nutrients by feeding on dead organic matter?. What D are organisms which break down complex organic materials during decay?. What S is a group of organisms which look similar and can breed producing fertile offspring?. What R is a process that takes place in cells transferring energy from glucose to cellular energy?. What S is the source of energy for all living organisms?. What E cannot be created or destroyed (conserved)?. What F is a diagram which shows feeding relationships of some organisms in an ecosystem?. What T is a particular feeding stage in a food chain?. What H is the place where an organism lives?. What B is the dry mass of living material in an ecosystem?. What C is an organism which relies on food made by green plants or other animals?. What N are bacteria which convert ammonium compounds in the soil into nitrates?. What P are bacteria that break down animal waste and produce ammonia?. What P is the process producing biomass and oxygen, using carbon dioxide and water as raw materials?.
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