Electrical Current Lesson 1

Basic electrical theory - Electron flow and Ohm's Law.
What N is the centre of an atom called?. What P make up the positive charge of an atom?. What E make up the negative charge of an atom?. What N are the neutral part of the nucleus?. What V is the outer electron called?. What R is produced when two like charges come together?. What A is produced when two unlike charges come together?. What A is the unit of current?. What V is the unit of voltage?. What O is the unit of resistance?. What E is the voltage obtained from a source of supply?. What R is the symbol shape to show a resistor?. What P is indicated by the long line in a battery symbol?. What C is a single unit of a battery?. What S is how the cells in a battery are connected to produce a higher voltage?. What E is the current flow from - to + terminals?. What C is the current flow from + to - terminals?. What O is the law relating current, voltage and resistance?. What R is indicated by voltage/current?. What C is indicated by voltage/resistance?.
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