What number am i?

Numbers in words
What T is a number between twenty two and twenty four? . What T is a number between thirty eight and forty?. What F is a number between forty five and forty three?. What F is a number between fifty five and fifty seven? . What S is a number halfway between sixty and seventy?. What S is a number 3 less than eighty?. What E is a number one less than ninety?. What N is one more than ninety one?. What O is the number two times fifty?. What E is two less than twenty?. What T is a number 2 time eleven?. What T is one number before thirty eight?. What F is a number seven less than fifty?. What F is a number half way between fifty six and sixty?. What S is larger than sixty but four less than seventy?. What S is eleven more than sixty?. What E is eight times ten? . What N is halfway between ninety and a hundred?. What T is half of twenty?. What T is double one hundred?.
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