Spanish Subject Pronoun Substitution

This game will help students review the identification & substitution of Spanish subject pronouns.
Substitute: Paco y yo. Which you is used to talk to a friend?. Substitute: el muchacho. Substitute: Juana y tú (fem.). Which you is used to talk to someone older?. Substitute: Dra. King y Ud.. Substitute: Diego y tú . Substitute: Natalia y yo (fem.). Substitute: la estudiante. Substitute: los profesores. Substitute: Coco y Yolanda. Translate to English: yo. Translate to English: nosotros. Which is the only country that uses vosotros & vosotras?. Translate to Spanish: I. Translate to Spanish: you (friend). Substitute: mis amigas. Translate to English: ellos. Translate to English: ella. Translate to English: él.
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