Roman Inventions

Technology created by the Ancient Romans.
What B is a Roman place to relax?. What A is used for counting?. What A is a place for gladiators to fight?. What A is a way of carrying water over a valley?. What A is a curved part of a building?. What B is easier to use than a scroll?. What B is good for walking across a river?. What C is useful for lifting large things?. What D is a round roof?. What G is clear and hard?. What N is a way of finding out news?. What P is a metal good for making plates?. What S is a way to help ships move?. What S is made of spicy meat?. What S is for carrying away dirty water and waste?. What S is for cleaning dirty things?. What S is a way to find your way around a city?. What S is a way to tell the time?. What S is used in medical operations?. What T is a hole through a mountain?.
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