Roman Crime and Punishment Blockbusters

A game suitable for year 11 pupils studying the SHP Crime and Punishment Course. Recap on Roman crime and punishment.
What A were responsible for keeping order on the streets?. What B is something that could get you in trouble if it was the wrong weight?. What C was a punishment for murder?. What S could be punished by whipping?. What N were people who could be sent out of town for murder?. What Y is a group of people roaming around looking for trouble?. What E is the person who it was a serious crime to attack?. What V is the name given to people to put out fires?. What S is a punishment for a petty crime like stealing?. What C is the place where murderers were killed by fighting lions?. What S are the people who could be captured by a vigile?. What B is something that people used to protect their homes?. What C is something you could receive a whipping for stealing?. What A is something people stole for food?. What C is something that caused fights between racers from rival teams?. What A made sure that people kept the streets outside their home clean?. What L could be prosecuted if their buildings fell down?. What R describes what you had to do if you accidentally started a fire that damaged someone's house?. What C is what would happen to your property if you committed a small crime?. What T was a place you were not allowed to rob from?.
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