
A quiz designed to reinforce the vocabulary associated with volcanoes.
What A is when a volcano has recently erupted?. What D is when a volcano has not erupted for years, but still seeps gas?. What E is when a volcano has not erupted for thousands of years?. What C is a type of volcano that is made primarily of basalt?. What S is a type of volcano that has runny lava and is relatively flat?. What M is the name given to molten rock within a volcano?. What L is the name given to molten rock thrown out of a volcano?. What V is a channel used by magma to leave a volcano?. What F is a place where gases can escape from inside a volcano?. What P is the name of a volcano that erupted on Martinique in 1902?. What C, found in the middle of Earth, is made of solid metals?. What M is found beneath the Earth's crust and is made of molten rock?. What R is the region where most of the Earth's volcanoes occur?. What C is the bowl shaped opening of the volcano?. What E describes a volcano releasing rock, lava, gas or ash?. What F can describe the quality of soil around a volcano?. What S is a very steep volcano, built up by many layers of rock and soil?. What Ts are the large structures upon which continents sit? . What E's often accompany or warn of eruptions?. What P is the name of a famous town in Italy, hidden after the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79?.
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