Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

A quiz on the terminology used to introduce an overview of anatomy and physiology
What A is the study of the structures of the body?. What P is the study of the functions of living organisms or living matter?. What M is the chemical activity occurring in cells resulting in releasing energy/creating substances. What H is the process of maintaining a constant internal environment despite changing circumstances?. What E are biological catalysts which alter the rates of chemical reactions but remain unchanged?. What D is the passage of molecules from an area of high concentration to one of a low concentration?. What O describes movement of water from a high / low concentration via a semi permeable membrane?. What M is the background material in which different types of cells lie?. What E can be neither created nor destroyed only converted from one form to another?. What M is the smallest unit of a substance that can exist alone retaining it's characteristics?. What N is the largest cell structure, responsible for all cellular activities?. What C is is the liquid within the cell?. What M is the power house of the cell containing enzymes that release energy from glucose?. What L are powerful enzymes that break down bacteria and destroy damaged cell tissue?. What G prepares proteins manufactured in the cell?. What E manufactures and temporarily stores protein?. What R make enzymes and proteins for the cell to use and also to export to other parts of the body?. What T is formed when specialised cells group together?. What M forms a barrier between the cell contents and the external environment?. What O are formed when specialised tissue group together?.
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