Plains Indians of North America

Beliefs of the Plains Indians
What G has power over all things?. What C is the shape which features throughout their beliefs?. What H is where the Indians go when they die?. What O is the bird which if seen means death?. What I is the ceremony where a boy becomes a man?. What W means Great Spirit?. What M is able to heal, contact the spirits and interpret visions?. What S is another word for Medicine Man?. What D is used by Indians to contact the spirits?. What S is a dance where braves are hung on ropes attached to their chests?. What V is celebrated by dancing?. What S is always worn by the Indian?. What B is the ears of the forest?. What E has the power of vision and courage?. What T is the circular home of the Indians?. What F is to stop eating and drinking?. What G is the animal seen in a vision?. What A does the young man become after his initiation ceremony?. What C is shown by the men during the Sun dance?. What S go in circles throughout the year?.
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