Writing techniques

Writing techniques and terminology for KS4.
What O is when the sound of the word suggests the meaning?. What A is when a series of words begin with the same letter?. What P is when a non-living thing is given living qualities?. What S is when you describe something using the words like/as?. What M is when you describe something by saying it is something else?. What V describes doing or being?. What N is the name of a person, place or thing?. What A gives more information about a verb, adjective or another verb?. What A is a word that gives more information about or describes a noun or pronoun?. What S describes informal language?. What C is very informal use of speech?. What P is used instead of and refers to a noun?. What R is a question that does not require an answer?. What SE is the accepted 'correct' English?. What D is the distinctive vocabulary and grammar of a geographical area within a community? . What A is used to describe repeated vowel sounds? . What C describes words such as 'but' /'and'/ 'because'?. What J is usually specialised, technical language associated with a specific thing?. What O combines two apparently contradictory ideas?. What P is a play on words?.
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